So, I have yet to post my whole kitchen re-do because I wanted to reach 50 followers before the big reveal. I am realizing that may be alot harder to do than I originally thought because this follower thing is more of a relaxed kind of thing...and let's face it, I can't resist a Party - sponosred by
Thrify Decor Chick.
This, I couldn't resist sharing with you now. Consider it a little tease...

The pantry door before...notice that this is a picture from when we bought the house. We knew the kitchen was going to need some TLC. Plus I hate gold door knobs. Not really
hate, but I hate gold door knobs when the rest of the door knobs in the house are a completely different color. I guess I am OCD (Obsessed with Coordinating Doorknobs) that way.
When re-doing the kitchen, I had researched some other cool Pantry doors. I found this
website of pictures...and I couldn't help myself...I was in love.
Here are the reasons I loved it:
1. It was antique with a crystal door knob.
2. It was black and white.
3. It was chalkboard.
4. It was surrounded by gorgeous Butler's Pantry dishes. Come to mama...please! (not that I would ever put baby in the pantry)
My husband and I had lots to decide. First, we wanted to buy a new door with molding, but our pantry was an odd size (thank you, 1982). So, to cut cost we tried an about putting molding on our current door?
So, after sanding, priming, and several layers of magnetic paint....then several layers of chalkboard paint....we attached the molding.
Now, I went a little crazy in the molding aisle at Lowes. The frames weren't enough, I had to have little corner pieces etc. This caused a moment of total, "ewww. I went too far." Followed by the next moment when I realized my hubby had used a nail gun and wood glue to attach it all. Followed by, "it looks great!" :)
Here it is all done! We love it!
We added an oil rubbed bronze door knob.
Those weird things are doggie magnets all over the lower portion.
And no, I won't open that door for you to see beyond...There are some lines a woman can not cross...consider it a
Pantry Line.